Season 3, Episode 19: Unconventional Badassery w Amy Güth
Today Debbie + Kerri shift from their usual fantastically filthy to simply fantastic as they welcome storyteller extraordinaire, Amy Güth. Amy first indulges the ladies in the incredibly awkward story (about accidentally giving her dad a bikini wax), which she told live on stage at Laugh Factory Chicago, landing her the title of Chicago’s Funniest Media Personality. The ladies celebrate Amy’s “curliversary”; the anniversary of when she decided NEVER to straighten her hair again because fuck fitting into society’s incredibly narrow beauty standard of how women SHOULD look! The journey continues into the depths of female empowerment, Bark Mitzvahs, Shofar blowing, Machine Gun Kelly + Megan Fox, the “Rape-aXe,” wedding proposals, and so much more. This episode is a little longer than usual but chock full of funny and clever conversation all the way through. Enjoy!