Season 3, Episode 4: Betches and Beyond

Today, Debbie + Kerri’s guest is Sara Levine, the super inspirational and intriguing Editor-in-Chief at Betches, a female-founded, female-run media and entertainment brand that provides a space for all women to get real about life—funny, honest, and unfiltered. Sara’s an editor, writer, memer, social media manager, podcaster, cheese eater, and insomniac. In this episode, Sara shares her obsession with researching MLMs, how she grew her career from a freelancer to Editor-in-Chief and gets personal in a cheese-themed FMK. Join us for lots of laughs as Kerri + Deb cheer on Sara and the rest of the kick-ass Betches crew who are paving the way for so much more to come.


Season 3, Episode 5: Personal Ads and Indecent Proposals


Season 3, Episode 3: Animal Instincts