Season 4, Episode 6: Snickers Veins and Probing Uranus
Attention, please… Snickers has officially responded to claims that they have removed the "dick vein" from their candy bars. Whaaaaa? And, what's with the uptick in public masturbation? Debbie + Kerri share a story about a guy on the train who took his pants and underwear off, lay bare-assed, and committed a lewd public act. Unsurprisingly, they move on to a hilarious headline from the Weather Channel regarding NASA "probing" Uranus and Twitter's reaction. Then there's the story about the woman who fell headfirst into an outdoor toilet while attempting to retrieve her phone. The ladies couldn't even finish the conversation; it was so vile. With every story, there are many tangents and hilarious nuggets. So, keep your pants on but drop what you're doing, and get ready for lots of laughs!